Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Codes

If you have a Bosch tankless water heater, you may occasionally see an error code displayed on the unit. These codes can indicate a variety of different problems, ranging from simple maintenance issues to more serious problems that will require a service call. Here is a list of the most common error codes and what they mean:

E01 – This code indicates that the water heater is not receiving enough power. Check to make sure that the unit is properly plugged in and that there is no tripped circuit breaker. E02 – This code indicates that the water temperature is set too low.

Adjust the thermostat to raise the water temperature. E03 – This code indicates that the water temperature is set too high. Adjust the thermostat to lower the water temperature.

Bosch tankless water heaters are very popular and are known for their high quality and efficiency. However, like all appliances, they can sometimes experience problems. If you see an error code on your Bosch tankless water heater, it’s important to know what it means so that you can troubleshoot the issue and get your heater back up and running.

Here is a list of some common Bosch error codes and their meanings: E01 – This indicates that the water heater is not receiving power. Check to make sure that the unit is plugged in and that there is no tripped circuit breaker.

E02 – This code indicates that the water temperature has exceeded the maximum limit. The most likely cause is a faulty thermostat. Try resetting the thermostat and if that doesn’t work, you may need to replace it.

E03 – This code means that there is a problem with the venting system. Make sure that all of the vents are clear and not obstructed in any way. E04 – This indicates an issue with the combustion chamber or exhaust system.

You’ll need to contact a qualified technician to service your unit if this error code appears. By knowing these Bosch tankless water heater error codes, you can quickly diagnose problems with your unit so that you can get it back up and running as soon as possible!

Bosch Water Heater Error Codes

What are Some Common Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Codes

Bosch tankless water heaters are a great option for those who want on-demand hot water. However, like any appliance, they can occasionally run into problems. When this happens, you may see an error code displayed on the unit.

Here are some of the most common Bosch tankless water heater error codes and what they mean: E01 – This indicates that the unit is not receiving power. Check to make sure that it is plugged in and that your breaker or fuse has not tripped.

E02 – This code means that the unit’s exhaust vent is blocked. Make sure that there is nothing blocking the vent pipe and that it is clear of any debris. E03 – A water flow problem is indicated by this code.

There could be something blocking the inlet or outlet pipes, or the flow rate may be set too low. Check all of your connections and make sure that water is flowing freely before adjusting the flow rate knob. E04 – If you see this code, it means that the temperature inside the unit is too high.

This could be due to a faulty thermostat or a clogged burner assembly. Try resetting the unit by turning it off at the breaker for 30 seconds, then turn it back on again. If this does not resolve the issue, call a service technician for assistance.

E05 – The E05 error code indicates that ignition has failed. Make sure that there is gas available and check all of your connections before trying to restart the unit.

How Can I Troubleshoot Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Codes

Bosch tankless water heaters are some of the most popular and reliable units on the market. However, like any appliance, they can sometimes experience issues. When this happens, error codes can be displayed on the unit to help troubleshoot the problem.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common Bosch error codes and what they mean. E01: This code indicates that the unit is not getting enough water flow. This could be due to a clogged or restricted water line.

Check all connections and filters to make sure there are no blockages. E02: This code indicates that there is a problem with the gas supply. Make sure that the gas valve is open and that there is adequate pressure in the line.

If you’re using propane, also check for any leaks in the system. E03: This code means that the temperature set point is too low. The minimum temperature for these units is 120 degrees Fahrenheit, so make sure your thermostat is set accordingly.

E04: Another temperature-related error, this time meaning that the set point is too high. The maximum temperature for Bosch tankless water heaters is 140 degrees Fahrenheit so adjust your thermostat accordingly if needed. If you see any other error codes display on your Bosch tankless water heater, please contact customer service for assistance troubleshooting the issue as each code represents a different problem.

What Should I Do If I Get a Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Code

If you get a Bosch tankless water heater error code, the first thing you should do is check the manual to see what the code means. If the code indicates a problem with the gas supply, make sure that the gas valve is turned on and that there is enough gas in the tank. If the code indicates a problem with the water supply, make sure that the water shut-off valve is open and that there is enough water in the tank.

You may also need to reset the power supply or replace a fuse.

Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Codes


Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Code Ec

If your Bosch tankless water heater is displaying the error code “EC,” it means that the unit’s electronic control board has detected a problem with the water temperature sensor. This sensor is located on the inlet side of the unit and monitors the incoming water temperature. If the sensor detects a problem, it will send an error code to the control board.

There are a few things that can cause this error code: 1) The most common cause is simply that thewater temperatureis too low. The minimum incoming water temperature for these units is 55 degrees Fahrenheit, so if your water heater is set to heat at a lower setting, you may see this error code.

Try turning up the temperature setting and see if that clears the error. 2) Another possibility is that there is something blockingthe flow of water into the unit. This could be anything from sediment in your water line to a kinked hose.

Check all of your connections and make sure there is nothing blockingthe flow of water into your tankless water heater. 3) Finally, it’s possible that there is a problem withthe electronic control board itself. If you’ve checked everything else and you’re still seeing this error code, you’ll need to contact Bosch customer service for assistance troubleshootingthe issue further.

Bosch Tankless Water Heater Error Code Ea

If your Bosch tankless water heater is displaying the error code EA, it means that there is an issue with the air intake. This could be caused by a number of things, including a blockage in the air filter or a problem with the venting. If you see this error code, it’s important to check the air filter and venting first to see if that’s the problem.

If not, then you’ll need to contact a qualified service technician to diagnose and repair the issue.

Bosch Tankless Water Heater Troubleshooting

If you have a Bosch tankless water heater, you may eventually run into some problems with it. Here are some tips for troubleshooting your Bosch tankless water heater so that you can get it back up and running again as soon as possible. First, check the power supply to make sure that the unit is getting power.

If the unit is not getting power, then you will need to contact an electrician to help resolve the issue. Next, check the inlet water pressure to ensure that it is within the range that is required for the unit to operate properly. If the water pressure is too low, then you may need to adjust the incoming water line or install a booster pump.

If there is no problem with the power or water pressure, then the next step is to check for any blockages in the unit itself. These blockages can be caused by sediment build-up over time or debris that has gotten into the unit. To clean out any blockages, simply follow the instructions in your owner’s manual.

Finally, if you have checked all of these things and your Bosch tankless water heater still isn’t working properly, then you will need to contact a qualified technician for further assistance.


Bosch tankless water heaters are a great way to save energy and money, but they can sometimes display error codes. If you see an error code on your Bosch tankless water heater, it’s important to know what it means so that you can troubleshoot the problem. Here is a list of some common Bosch tankless water heater error codes and their meanings:

E01 – This code indicates that there is a problem with the water supply. Check the incoming water pressure and make sure that it meets the minimum requirements for the Bosch tankless water heater. E02 – This code indicates that there is a problem with the gas supply.

Check for any blockages in the gas line and make sure that the gas valve is turned on. E03 – This code indicates that there is a problem with the venting system. Make sure that all of the vent pipes are clear and unobstructed.

E04 – This code indicates that there is a problem with the igniter. Try cleaning or replacing the igniter if possible. If not, you may need to call a professional for help.

If you see any other error codes on your Bosch tankless water heater, please consult your owner’s manual or contact customer service for assistance troubleshooting the problem.

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