Craftmaster Water Heater Pilot Light Goes Out

If your Craftmaster water heater pilot light goes out, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem. First, check to see if the pilot light is dirty or obstructed in any way. If so, clean it off and try relighting the pilot light.

If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace the thermocouple.

If you have a Craftmaster water heater, you may have noticed that your pilot light goes out from time to time. This is actually a very common problem with these heaters.

craftmaster water heater pilot light goes out

Why Does My Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out?

If your pilot light keeps going out, there are a few possible reasons. One common reason is that the thermocouple, which is a safety device that senses when the pilot flame is lit, may be damaged or malfunctioning. Another possibility is that there’s a draft in the area where the pilot light is located, which can extinguish the flame.

Or, the problem could be with the gas valve itself. If you’re not comfortable troubleshooting these issues yourself, it’s best to call a professional for help.

Why Would Pilot Light Randomly Go Out?

There are a few reasons why your pilot light might randomly go out. One possibility is that there’s a draft in the room where your furnace is located. This can happen if a door or window is left open, or if there’s a hole in the wall.

The draft can cause the pilot light to go out. Another possibility is that the thermocouple, which is responsible for keeping the pilot light lit, isn’t working properly. Over time, thermocouples can wear out and need to be replaced.

If you think this might be the problem, it’s best to call a qualified technician to take a look at your furnace.

Why Does My Pilot Light Go Out When I Let Go of the Button?

If your pilot light goes out when you let go of the button, there are a few possible explanations. The most likely explanation is that your gas valve is not set to “pilot” mode. In pilot mode, the gas valve supplies a small amount of gas to the pilot light constantly, keeping it lit.

If your gas valve is not in pilot mode, the pilot light will only stay lit as long as you’re holding down the button – when you release the button, the flow of gas stops and the pilot light goes out. Another possibility is that there’s something wrong with your thermocouple. The thermocouple is a safety device that senses when the pilot light is lit and tells the gas valve to stay open.

If it senses that the pilot light has gone out, it will shut off the flow of gas to prevent a dangerous buildup of fumes. So if your thermocouple isn’t working properly, it may be shutting off the gas even when the pilot light is still lit – which would cause your Pilot Light to go out when you release the button.

How Do You Light the Pilot Light on a Craftmaster Water Heater?

If your Craftmaster water heater is not working, one possible reason is that the pilot light has gone out. In order to relight it, follow these steps: 1. Locate the pilot light assembly on your water heater.

This is usually located near the bottom of the unit. 2. Once you have found the pilot light assembly, look for the knob that says “Pilot” or “Pilot Light.” Turn this knob to the “Off” position.

3. Wait a few minutes before proceeding to the next step. This will allow any gas that may have built up in the area to dissipate. 4. Once you have turned off the gas and waited a few minutes, find a long match or lighter and hold it near the opening of the pilot light assembly.

Slowly turn the “Pilot” knob to the “On” position while holding your flame close to the opening of the assembly—you should see gas coming out of this opening when you do this. 5. Continue holding your flame close to the opening until you see the pilot light ignite—it may take a minute or two for this to happen. Once you see ignition, continue holding your flame at least another 15 seconds before releasing it; this will help ensure that your pilot light stays lit once you release it.


Craftmaster Water Heater Pilot Light Goes Out


Pilot Light Won’T Stay Lit When I Release the Knob

If your pilot light won’t stay lit when you release the knob, it’s likely due to a problem with the thermocouple. The thermocouple is a safety device that senses when the pilot light is lit and sends a signal to keep the gas valve open. If the thermocouple is damaged or not working properly, it won’t be able to sense that the pilot light is lit and will shut off the gas supply.

You’ll need to replace the thermocouple in order to fix this problem. It’s a relatively simple process that you can do yourself – just follow these steps: 1. First, turn off the gas at the main shutoff valve.

This is a precautionary measure so that you don’t accidently release gas into your home while working on the stove. 2. Once the gas is shut off, remove the screw that secures the thermocouple in place. You may need a screwdriver or pliers to do this.

3. With the screw removed, you should be able to pull out the old thermocouple easily. Just make sure not to lose any of the parts! 4. Now it’s time to install the new thermocouple.

Simply insert it into place and replace the securing screw. Again, make sure not to over-tighten as this could damage boththe new thermocouple and Gas Valve .

Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out Not Thermocouple

If your water heater’s pilot light keeps going out, it’s likely due to a faulty thermocouple. The thermocouple is a safety device that senses when the pilot light is lit and tells the gas valve to stay open. If the thermocouple is defective, it may not sense that the pilot light is lit, causing the gas valve to close and shutting off the flow of gas to the pilot light.

There are a few things you can do to try and fix a faulty thermocouple: – First, clean any dirt or debris from around the tip of the thermocouple. This can sometimes interfere with proper sensing.

– Next, try gently bending or adjusting the position of the thermocouple. Sometimes they can become dislodged and just need a little readjustment in order to work properly again. – If neither of those solutions works, you’ll likely need to replace the thermocouple entirely.

Pilot Light Goes Out When Turned to on

If your pilot light goes out when you turn it to “on”, there are a few things that could be happening. The most common reason is that the thermocouple, which is a safety device that keeps the gas valve open, has gone bad and needs to be replaced. Another possibility is that there is dirt or debris in the gas line, preventing the flow of gas to the pilot light.

If this is the case, you’ll need to have the gas line cleaned by a professional. In either case, it’s important to have a qualified technician take a look at your furnace as soon as possible, as operating your furnace without a working pilot light can be very dangerous.


If you have a Craftmaster water heater, you may have noticed that the pilot light goes out occasionally. There are a few reasons why this may happen, and there are some simple steps you can take to fix it. One reason the pilot light may go out is because the thermocouple is not working properly.

The thermocouple is a safety device that turns off the gas supply if the pilot light goes out. If your thermocouple is not working, it will need to be replaced. Another reason the pilot light may go out is because of drafts.

If there are any drafts in your home, they can cause the pilot light to go out. You can try to reduce drafts by sealing any cracks or gaps around doors and windows. Finally, the pilot light may go out simply because it needs to be relit.

If this happens, just follow the instructions in your owner’s manual to relight it safely.

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