Electric Water Heater Smells Like Paint Thinner

The electric water heater in my home smells like paint thinner. I’m not sure why this is, but it’s been happening for a few weeks now. The smell is strong when I turn on the heater, and it lingers in the air for a while afterward.

It’s not a pleasant smell, and it’s been making me feel nauseous. I’m not sure what to do about it, but I’m hoping that someone can help me figure it out.

If your electric water heater smells like paint thinner, it could be due to a few different things. First, make sure that there are no fumes coming from the actual heater. If there are, it could be due to a wiring issue and you should call an electrician.

If there are no fumes coming from the heater itself, the smell could be due to the hot water being mixed with chemicals from your home’s plumbing. This is not a health hazard, but it can be a nuisance. If you are concerned about the smell, you can try flushing your hot water heater with a solution of baking soda and water.

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Why does my water heater smell like chemicals?

If your water heater smells like chemicals, it’s likely because it’s full of sediment. Over time, sediment builds up in the bottom of your water heater, and when it’s heated, it releases a chemical smell. The best way to get rid of the smell is to flush the sediment out of the water heater.

To do this, turn off the power to the water heater and attach a garden hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the heater. Open the valve and let the water run until it’s clear. This may take a few minutes.

Once the water is clear, close the valve and turn the power back on.

What causes paint thinner smell in house?

There are a few things that can cause paint thinner smell in your house. One possibility is that you have a leak in your paint can. If the can is not properly sealed, the paint thinner can evaporate and cause a strong smell.

Another possibility is that you are using too much paint thinner in your paint. When you use too much paint thinner, it can leave a residue on your walls that will eventually evaporate and cause a strong smell. Finally, if you are using an oil-based paint, the paint thinner can seep into the air and cause a strong smell.

If you are using a water-based paint, the paint thinner should not cause a smell.

Why does my water smell like acetone?

If you notice that your water smells like acetone, there are a few potential explanations. Acetone is a chemical compound with a characteristic sweet, yet pungent odor. It’s also a byproduct of certain industrial processes, so it’s not uncommon for traces of acetone to end up in water supplies.

One possibility is that the odor is coming from your water heater. If the anode rod in your water heater is made of aluminum, it can corrode and release acetone into the water. Another possibility is that the smell is coming from your plumbing fixtures.

Acetone can build up in pipes and fixtures made of certain metals, like copper and brass. If you’re concerned about the acetone odor in your water, you can contact your local water utility to have the water tested. You can also try running your cold water tap for a few minutes to see if the odor goes away.

See also: Gas Vs Electric Garage Heater

Why does my water heater smell weird?

If you notice a strange smell coming from your water heater, it could be caused by a few different things. First, if you have a gas water heater, the smell could be due to a gas leak. If you think this might be the case, you should immediately turn off the gas to your water heater and call a plumber.

Another possibility is that the strange smell is coming from the water itself. This can happen if there is a buildup of minerals in the water heater. To clean out the minerals, you can flush the water heater by running a hose from the drain valve to the outdoors.

Let the water run for a few minutes until the water runs clear. If you have an electric water heater, the smell could be coming from the heating element. This can happen if the element is burned out.

To check the element, you will need to remove the access panel from the water heater and use a multimeter to test it.

electric water heater smells like paint thinner

Credit: jaketheplumbercompany.com

Heater smells like nail polish remover

If your heater smells like nail polish remover, it could be a sign that your pilot light is out. A pilot light is a small flame that ignites the gas in your heater. If the pilot light is out, the gas will build up and cause a strong smell.

If you think your pilot light may be out, it’s important to call a professional to help you. Never try to relight the pilot light yourself, as this can be extremely dangerous.

Water smells like paint thinner

If you’ve ever wondered why your water smells like paint thinner, you’re not alone. This strange smell is actually a result of a chemical reaction that occurs when water comes into contact with certain types of rocks and minerals. When water is exposed to air, it can also pick up smells from the environment.

So, why does water sometimes smell like paint thinner? There are a few possible explanations. One is that your water is coming into contact with rocks or minerals that contain sulfur.

Sulfur is a naturally occurring element that has a strong, unpleasant smell. When water comes into contact with sulfur-containing rocks or minerals, it can pick up that sulfur smell. Another possibility is that your water is coming into contact with chlorinated water.

Chlorine is often used to disinfect water, and it can give water a strong chemical smell. If your water smells like paint thinner, it’s possible that it’s because it’s been in contact with chlorinated water.

New water heater chemical smell

If you’ve recently installed a new water heater, you may have noticed a strange chemical smell coming from the water. This is caused by the presence of sulfates in the water, which can react with the metal in the water heater to produce a foul-smelling odor. While this is not harmful to your health, it can be quite unpleasant.

There are a few things you can do to get rid of the sulfates in your water and eliminate the odor. First, you can install a water filter that will remove the sulfates from the water before it enters the water heater. Second, you can add a water softener to your home’s plumbing system, which will also remove the sulfates from the water.

Finally, you can simply flush the water heater periodically to remove the build-up of sulfates. If you follow these steps, you should be able to eliminate the unpleasant chemical odor from your new water heater.


It’s not uncommon for electric water heaters to give off a smell like paint thinner. This is usually due to the heating elements in the water heater. Over time, the heating elements can corrode and release a smell like paint thinner.

If you notice this smell, it’s important to have the water heater serviced by a professional.

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